Modular Foam Seating

This form is based off of an assignment in which students were tasked to buy one type of sheet material from the Providence Recycling Center, and apply this to a new design. Restricted by limiting factors of what they bought, students were forced to solve new-found problems through a series of experiments. 

I created a range of studies, combining and manipulating the foam. Of my models, these were the most inspirational towards my final design.

I had ideated for a long period of time, unsure what object to translate the foam into. I knew from my own experience that I wanted to create an object for someone to feel engulfed in, likening to falling into a foam pit as a child. My initial thought was chair, but I had to dig deeper in order to reach a creative solution.

I came up with the idea of a modular lounge, created through a series of tubes attached at the ends by twine, but still able to move around. The main focus of this modular lounge chair design is that it can be created through the simple repetition of the single base unit. This means the seating could become increasingly larger to accommodate any consumer’s needs.

Images of my process creating the modular unit are seen sequentially below.

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